IB-Lenhardt Providing Test Services for International Standards with DAkkS-Accredited EMC Test Lab

IB-Lenhardt Providing Test Services for International Standards with DAkkS-Accredited EMC Test Lab

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electrical products, ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is a crucial factor for successful market access. IB-Lenhardt, with its DAkkS-accredited EMC Test Lab, offers testing services designed to meet the strictest international standards.

IB-Lenhardt’s EMC Laboratory Features:

  1. Product Testing Expertise: IB-Lenhardt‘s competent team of engineers is dedicated to providing development-accompanying product testing services. The laboratory specializes in EMC tests across various sectors, including:

    • Automotive: Distance radars, Tyre pressure sensors, Infotainment, Body Control Module (BCM)
    • Industry: Industrial radars, Sensors, Control systems, Military systems
    • Consumer: WLAN, Bluetooth, SRD, IT equipment, Consumer electronics
  2. DAkkS Accredited Test Lab: The EMC Test Lab boasts modern facilities and holds accreditation from the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS). Key features include:

    • 2 fully anechoic chambers (3 m measurement distance)
    • semi-anechoic chambers (5 m measurement distance)
    • Shielded room for conducted measurements
    • Low-noise measuring receivers
    • Highly skilled staff with many years of experience
  3. The lab utilizes advanced amplifiers and test equipment from reputable brands such as Rohde & Schwarz, Hilo, and Ametek CTS.

  4. EMS and EMI Tests: EMC testing is indispensable for electrical products to guarantee interference-free operation concerning external sources. The laboratory conducts tests for electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) and electromagnetic interference (EMI), covering:

    • Susceptibility Tests:

      • Radiated Susceptibility: 80 MHz – 6 GHz
      • Conducted Susceptibility: 150 kHz – 230 GHz
      • Magnetic Field Measurements: 50 + 60 Hz
      • ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)
    • Interference Emission Tests:

Click here to learn more about the product testing capabilities of IB-Lenhardt.